Emily Fusco, Social Media Director
Social Media Director Emily Fusco is a new addition to the Eagle Eye staff. She chose to join Eagle Eye so she could take photos at sporting events and write about pep rallies, the Christmas Assembly, and other school events. Emily is a hitter on the volleyball team, and is going to be on the track team in the spring. Her other hobbies include painting her nails, watching Netflix, and shopping. Her plans for the future is to go to college. She’s not sure what she wants to be yet, but she’s considering being some sort of engineer, which is understandable because math is one of her favorite subjects. Some of her favorite things about TAHS are the extracurricular activities and the Chromebooks. She loves to hike,and when she isn’t hiking she is probably watching Friends, her favorite television show. Rice, yes rice, is her favorite food and autumn is her favorite season. She’s definitely a great addition to the staff and will help make Eagle Eye better in her own ways.