Senior Spotlight- Stephen Garman
Each week the Eagle Eye will choose a different senior at random for our Senior Spotlight feature
Eagle Eye : What are your plans after high school?
SG: I want to go to college for a medical career or law enforcement
EE: What was your favorite high school memory?
SG: I’d have to say Chemistry with Mr.Funicelli. he always made class fun even when he was having a bad day but the best memory from it was the bubble fire lab when funicelli set the bubbles in his hand on fire.
EE : Who will you miss the most from high school?
SG: if I had to pick I’d say either Brandon mcClouskey or my friends in health tech
EE: Who is your favorite high school teacher?
SG: it’s a tie between mr. Funicelli & mr. Depiro
EE: What was your favorite class in high school?
SG: It’s English. I’ve always loved writing. my favorite thing to write is fiction though
EE : Are you involved in any extra-curricular activities?
EE : Have you always been a Golden Eagle? If not, when did you move here?
SG: nope, I moved around a lot. im from Bellwood but moved away at the age of 2 to west Virginia hill. I came back to Bellwood and then came here in fourth grade.
EE : Who is your hero in life ?
SG: I have many role models in life but my top 3 are Johnathan Davis, Brandon Lee, and Marilyn Manson
EE : What is your favorite sports team?
SG: I don’t have one
EE : What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
SG: I took one of my friends out the window on the second floor of my old house into the bushes by accident.

Hey, my name is Courtney. I am 17 years young and a senior at Tyrone. This is my first year on Eagle Eye News. I am involved in student council, YAN, Renaissance...