Scheduling: Should I take a foreign language?

Starting in their freshman year of high school, students begin to plan for their future.  This could include college, the military, trade school or going straight into the work force. When scheduling for the next year, all students have the option to take a foreign language.

Tyrone Area High School does not require a foreign language, but it offers French and Spanish and it is highly recommended that students take a language.

For students who plan on continuing into college, taking a language won’t hurt you whatsoever, in fact many colleges require two years of a language for admission.

Many colleges recommend two or more years of a foreign language.  It will not only help your chances in college but also strengthen your application.

If you haven’t signed up for a foreign language, there is no need to panic.  Many colleges, such as Robert Morris University and Carlow University, still do not require a language but they do recommend one.

In rare cases, if you haven’t taken a language during your time in high school, you can take a foreign language during college.

So should you take a language?  It depends on the career path you chose. If college is in your future, most colleges do require two years of a language but recommend more. Keep in mind that not all colleges require a language.

However, taking a language isn’t only beneficial towards college.  It can help your chances with getting a better job, and if you plan to travel you’ll be set to go.