Athlete of the Week: Megan Tepsic
Name: Megan Tepsic
Sport: Tennis
Grade: 12
Tepsic is undefeated in the Mountain League with a 5-0 record. Her overall record for the year is 6-1. The talented senior’s only loss was to a strong Altoona player.
Coach Randy Irvin’s Quote:
“This is only Megan’s 2nd year on the team and she has improved tremendously from last year. She is a joy to coach and is one of our team leaders.”
Eagle Eye: How did you first get involved in this sport?
Megan Tepsic: “I decided after sophomore year that I wanted to play another sport. Tennis wasn’t a huge team at the time, so I chose tennis.”
EE: What other sports do you play?
MT: “Softball”
EE: Favorite sports team?
MT: “Pittsburgh Penguins”
EE: Favorite professional athlete?
MT: “none”
EE: Favorite Food?
MT: “none”
EE: What is your favorite part about the sport?
MT: “How relaxed and fun practice is. You get to play doubles and singles and practice technique at your own pace.”
EE: What is your greatest memory from this sport?
MT: “Playing as number 3 after only playing tennis for two years and winning against each mountain league team.”
EE: What is your greatest motivation to succeed?
MT: “Determination. I go into every match ready to win and make myself better.”
EE: What advice would you give younger athletes?
MT: If you put your mind to becoming better you will. Accept coaching and learn from mistakes.”
EE: What are your future goals?
MT: “To go to IUP and major in interior design and possibly consider playing tennis.”

Hi, my name is Ava Focht. This is my first year of Eagle Eye and I am a senior here at Tyrone. I am a four year veteran in POPS Extension and Drama Club....