The Golden Eagle wrestling team took to the mat for the first time this season, and while the predominantly young roster...
The TAHS yearbook staff is busy working on the 2025 edition of the Tyrone Eagle Yearbook. One of the most important parts...
Name: Laney Woomer Sport: Basketball Grade: 11 Accomplishments: Woomer led the team with 19 points and...
While the goal for the 2024-25 Tyrone boys basketball players and coaches is to bring home a district championship trophy,...
The Lady Eagles lost a close back-and-forth game 53-49 at Penn Valley in their season opener on Wednesday. Tyrone junior...
Fourth-year Tyrone head wrestling coach Quenton Wright said that everyone on his roster will have to step up this season. Last...
Ryleigh Holmes hosts the first episode of the new Drama Club podcast series, "The Addams Family." Guests are advisers Jonathan...
High School Chemistry teacher Michael Funicelli is a popular face around the district. Funicelli has a likable personality...
Name: Jayden Albright Eagle Eye: Tell us a little bit about yourself. JA: “I play softball, I have two younger...
The Golden Eagle wrestling team took to the mat for the first time this season, and while the predominantly young roster...
The TAHS yearbook staff is busy working on the 2025 edition of the Tyrone Eagle Yearbook. One of the most important parts...
Name: Laney Woomer Sport: Basketball Grade: 11 Accomplishments: Woomer led the team with 19 points and...
While the goal for the 2024-25 Tyrone boys basketball players and coaches is to bring home a district championship trophy,...
The Lady Eagles lost a close back-and-forth game 53-49 at Penn Valley in their season opener on Wednesday. Tyrone junior...
Fourth-year Tyrone head wrestling coach Quenton Wright said that everyone on his roster will have to step up this season. Last...
Ryleigh Holmes hosts the first episode of the new Drama Club podcast series, "The Addams Family." Guests are advisers Jonathan...
High School Chemistry teacher Michael Funicelli is a popular face around the district. Funicelli has a likable personality...
Name: Jayden Albright Eagle Eye: Tell us a little bit about yourself. JA: “I play softball, I have two younger...