Caleb Orr, Staff Writer
Ahoy! My name is Caleb Orr. I'm a senior this year, and it's my first time in Eagle Eye. I enjoy ping pong, tennis, drumming, and most of all, ???????. Other than my hobbies, I'd say my favorite activity would be being a nuisance to society with all my friends. After opening my Chromebook millions of times throughout high school, I always came up with plenty of story ideas but never had the chance to make them into a reality until now, so epic. My plans throughout the year for this class include writing the boy's tennis game articles and a Top 10 Music related article. After high school, I plan on attending college and majoring in construction management. I will use this to amass a property tycoon like Monopoly. That's all for now, Imma bout to head out.
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