‘Be Golden’ Staff Member of the Week: Ms. Kathy Beigle

The “Be Golden” award is a faculty and staff recognition program at the high school. It is given to a teacher or staff that is making a difference at Tyrone.

This award is given weekly by a faculty/staff member to another faculty/staff member. Whoever receives the trophy on Friday is responsible for awarding it to someone else the following week. The only criteria are to give it to someone who has done something to make the school a better place.

“With the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative in our school, we want to not only recognize students for being golden but staff members as well,” said Shannon Davis, the award program coordinator. “This is a way to personally thank people we work with every day, but don’t always have the chance to show them how much they are appreciated.”

Last week the award went to tenth-grade English teacher Mr. David Rutter

He chose to give the award to senior and DE English teacher Ms. Kathy Beigle

Mr. Rutter quote:

There is no debating (so please do not try) that Barbara Streisand is one of the greatest singers and performers ever to grace the stage and screen. Her songs have touched the hearts and minds of generations reminding us of “The Way We Were”, standing up when times are tough and “Enough is Enough”, and helping the “People” closest to us. When it comes to style, charisma, and moxy, there is only one person here at Tyrone that could share the stage with Barbara. Our own Funny Girl, Kathy Beigle. 

Even though she claims to drink more coffee than me (yes, I am chuckling as I write this), Ms. Beigle has the tremendous task of keeping those cherubic seniors in line all year long. We think we have headaches. Try dealing with seniors in April after Easter Break: Invest in Tylenol stock because you’ll make a fortune. However, Ms. Beigle does it and demands those seniors “make good choices” throughout the year. When called upon, Ms. Beigle steps up and helps whenever she can. Really, can you see anyone else on the red-carpet doing those wonderful prom night interviews? I didn’t think so. Also, she has been involved in the preparation of graduation festivities, the teaching of DE English courses, and serving as one of our ESL teachers. She stands outside her door each day making sure to greet the students whom she cares about deeply while scanning for cell phone violators. Her no-nonsense style has earned her respect amongst her students, and I am happy to call her a friend.

Ms. Beigle shows us all that there is a place for us here at Tyrone Area High School, and we have nothing to be guilty of by helping our students reach their full potential: somehow, somewhere, someday.

The Eagle Eye interviewed Ms.Beigle about being this week’s award winner:

Eagle Eye: Why did you go into education?

Kathy Beigle: “ I started out majoring in human services and fell in love with literature. The rest, as they say, is history.” 

EE: What makes Tyrone a good place to work?

KB: “ I have always felt welcomed and supported at Tyrone. I work with an amazing staff and an even better group of students.

EE: What is your favorite memory at Tyrone?

KB: “I have two favorites: graduation and the red carpet event at prom. I’ve always loved graduation, especially because I’m with the seniors their entire senior year and watch them grow into wonderful young men and women. And the red carpet event at prom is so much fun-it’s wonderful to see the students dressed up and enjoying themselves.