‘Be Golden’ Staff Member of the Week: Mrs. Brooke Yaudes


Lindsey Walk

Mrs. Yaudes

The “Be Golden” award is a new faculty and staff recognition program at the high school.

This award is given weekly by a faculty/staff member to another faculty/staff member. Whoever receives the trophy on Friday is responsible for awarding it to someone else the following week. The only criteria are to give it to someone who has done something to make the school a better place.

“With the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative in our school, we want to not only recognize students for being golden but staff members as well,” said Shannon Davis, the award program coordinator. “This is a way to personally thank people we work with every day, but don’t always have the chance to show them how much they are appreciated.”

Last week the award went to custodian Mr. Tim Walk.

He chose to give the award to administrative assistant Mrs. Brooke Yaudes.

Mr. Walk’s Quote:

“Brooke is very pleasant person and is willing to help with any questions you have. This school year she moved from the Athletic Office to the Main Office and was given the task to keep track of the Tech Departments’ Cyber Laptops and Chromebooks. This is very helpful to us. She also sends out the HS attendance list among her other duties. So the Be Golden award for this week goes to Brook Yaudes.”

The Eagle Eye interviewed Mrs. Yaudes about being this week’s award winner:

Eagle Eye: What do enjoy most about Tyrone?

Brooke Yaudes: “I love my job because I am a people person. I love getting to meet new people when they come into my office, interacting with students, and helping make our school a better place. Beyond that, I have really, really enjoyed these last few years, because my own children attend Tyrone HS and I get to see them daily. As a mom, that is the absolute best thing in the world.”

EE: What do you enjoy most about working with students?

BY: “I love watching the students at Tyrone grow. I get the opportunity to meet them when they are 9th graders, and watch them grow and mature. I am so proud to see them as seniors, knowing how far they’ve come. Watching that transition from freshman to high school graduate is so gratifying. And I love how, though they may not know it, the students at Tyrone can take the worst days and turn them around. There are days that I am stressed, and the office is really busy, but a simple smile from a student can take all the frustration that I’m feeling and eliminate it immediately. I can only hope that I can have that same effect on some of them.”

EE: How has Tyrone and the atmosphere impacted your life?

BY: “The Tyrone community is so close, and we take such good care of each other – it reminds me of a big family. So working at Tyrone has impacted my life, because I have learned to try to treat our school community with as much love and respect as I do my own family. Just as I mentioned before, I try to time to meet each student with a smile when they come into the office, because I know that they could be having a bad day. I want to be that person who sees them – even on the bad days. And where did I learn such caring behavior? From the students who come into my office each day. They are the ones who have impacted me. I’m blessed to have the job that I do and work with such great people here at Tyrone.”