‘Be Golden’ Staff Member of the Week: Mr. Don Stitt

Be Golden Staff Member of the Week: Mr. Don Stitt

The “Be Golden” award is a faculty and staff recognition program at the high school. It is given to a teacher or staff that is making a difference at Tyrone!

This award is given weekly by a faculty/staff member to another faculty/staff member. Whoever receives the trophy on Friday is responsible for awarding it to someone else the following week. The only criteria are to give it to someone who has done something to make the school a better place.

“With the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative in our school, we want to not only recognize students for being golden but staff members as well,” said Shannon Davis, the award program coordinator. “This is a way to personally thank people we work with every day, but don’t always have the chance to show them how much they are appreciated.”

Last week the award went to agriculture teacher Mrs.Tiffany Hoy 

She chose to give the award to custodian Mr. Don Stitt

Mrs. Hoy’s quote:

I nominate Mr. Don Stitt for the Golden Eagle Award.  Our school climate forever changes and behind the scenes trying to keep it comfortable for all is Don. He is on call to help when the greenhouse is faced with the negative temperatures and is having a hard time holding heat (this year has been mild – knocking on wood), or when the water seems to be flowing a little slower in the shop areas, or pipes burst in facets. With his calm personality, Don is to the rescue and takes it all in stride.  You can find him working throughout the summer to ensure the many unforeseen systems are ready to go so we may focus on providing a learning environment in comfort. On top of that, I appreciate Don’s witty comments! For these reasons and many more, I am honored to present this award to Don Stitt.”

The Eagle Eye interviewed Mr.Stitt about being this week’s award winner:

Eagle Eye: What do you enjoy most about Tyrone?

Don Stitt: “The early morning work hours.”

EE: What do you enjoy most about working around the students?

DS: “Watching them graduate in May and move onto their future.”

EE: How does Tyrone’s atmosphere impact your life?

DS: “Not at all, I’m a Huntingdon Bearcat!”