Tyrone Junior Half of Local Rock Duo ‘Acid Rain’
Photo courtesy of Dylon Weakland
Sophomore Dylon Weakland, along with his friend Brandon Russell has formed a rock duo called Acid Rain. Weakland plays bass with Russell on guitar and vocals.
Music has always been a cherished part of Tyrone High School’s culture. Tyrone students have excelled in many successful musical endeavors like marching band, concert band, jazz band, chorus, and POPS. But not every talented musician at TAHS performs with the school band or chorus.
Junior Dylon Weakland, along with his friend Brandon Russell, formed a rock duo called Acid Rain. Weakland plays bass with Russell on guitar and vocals.
The duo has been mentioned in a recent edition of PA Musician Magazine and has played live on a few occasions at local open-mic sessions. They currently have an album in the works called Blue Collar Album; two songs have already been recorded and uploaded to YouTube.
Acid Rain’s influences include an eclectic mix of classic rock, metal and 90s alternative bands as well as pop influences that range from The Beatles to Primus.
“Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Beatles, I would have never picked up an instrument,” said Russell.
“The first band that made me pick up an instrument was Green Day, and then I actually started playing bass because of Primus,” said Weakland.
When asked how the two record their music, they each said that one band member comes to the other with an idea.
The duo has not let their inability to read or write sheet music stop them from making music.
“I usually just come to Dylon, and I’m like ‘Hey, I got lyrics for this,'” said Russell. With the lyric is set, they jam out for a bit and figure out a riff that works. After some finishing touches, the song is recorded and added to the album.
The two also said that they write through sound and feel rather than writing music. “We know when it fits and when it doesn’t fit,” said Weakland.
When asked where the band is heading in the future, Brandon responded by saying they have little desire to “make it big,” they just play for the love of music.
“I just want to record music and have fun, honestly. I’m not really looking to be like, super famous… it’s not a goal of mine. I just like to play guitar and record music,” said Russell.
For right now, The Blue Collar Album is the band’s flagship project. Although the two have discussed making a related album, they’d like to focus on this one for now.
Russell performed one of their original songs, “Hey You” live for the Eagle Eye on the attached podcast (click above).
Fans can also check out their work on YouTube. They have uploaded the track “Believe In Me” and two separate renditions of “Blue Collar Blues.” You can check out their music here, and on our podcast.
After listening to Brandon perform live, I was quite impressed. I was amazed by Brandon’s talent, especially in his guitar playing. As a drummer myself, I can imagine how being in school and playing an instrument (let alone producing new songs) would be challenging.
If you have the time, they are definitely worth listening to.

Ahoy! My name is Caleb Orr. I'm a senior this year, and it's my first time in Eagle Eye. I enjoy ping pong, tennis, drumming, and most of all, ???????....