Third marking period Renaissance Star: Freshman Paige Umholtz
Every marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.
Freshman Paige Umholtz was nominated for the Renaissance Star award by Eagle Eye adviser Mr. Todd Cammarata.
Mr. Cammarata’s quote:
“Paige’s hard work and dedication has made her one of the most valuable members of the Eagle Eye Staff. Paige has written three of the four most viewed articles in the Eagle Eye this year. Her work on the Tyrone head football coach stories was excellent. Paige is always willing to take photos, do interviews after school or on weekends….whatever it takes to get the story done! She is very reliable and can be counted on to complete stories on a tight deadline if necessary.”
Eagle Eye: What do you think about being named a Renaissance Star?
Paige Umholtz: I’m happy. It makes me feel like I’m doing something good in class.
EE: What is your favorite class this school year? Why?
PU: Spanish. I really enjoy the challenge of learning a new language.
EE: Who is your all-time favorite teacher? Why?
PU: Mrs. Susan Friday. She always told me to do my best and still inspires me everyday.
EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year?
PU: I would love to get a 100% on my report card for Algebra 2.
EE: What are some of your favorite things about the Tyrone School District?
PU: The teachers. They are all really caring and want you to do your best.

I’m Lily, and I’m a freshman. I play soccer and run cross country and track, and I’ve also been snowboarding for three years. I’m in all honors...