Third marking period Renaissance Star: Senior Brittani Dean
Every marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.
Senior Brittani Dean was nominated as a Renaissance Star by senior English teacher Mrs. Kathy Beigle.
Mrs. Beigle’s quote:
“I have the pleasure of having Brittani in my English 12 class, advisory, and as a community outreach student. She is responsible, a hard worker, conscientious, polite, and always has a smile. Brittani does her very best on all of her assignments; she never settles for mediocre.”
Eagle Eye: What do you think about being named Renaissance star:
Brittani Dean: It was nice to be recognized. I have never been a Renaissance Star. I appreciate it a lot.
EE: What is your favorite class this school year? Why?
BD: Math. Mr. Shedd always makes class fun.
EE: Who is your all time favorite teacher? Why?
BD: Mrs. Beigle, she always puts a smile on my face and recognizes me for all I do.
EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year?
BD: Be on high honor roll again and graduate!
EE: What are some of your favorite things about Tyrone School District?
BD: The fun teachers I have and the choice of what classes I can take.

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