Third Marking Period Renaissance Star: Freshman Jordan Downs

Each marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.

Freshman Jordan Downs

Ninth grade student Jordan Downs was nominated by Mrs. Molly Stroup.

Mrs. Stroup’s quote:

“Jordan is new to our district after struggling with leaving a school and friends she was familiar with, but she has hit the ground running with significantly improved attendance, class participation, and assignment completion. Most noticeable is her positive role modeling for other new students. Jordan always comes to school with a positive attitude, a beautiful smile for everyone and a friendly outreach that makes others feel comfortable around her.”

Eagle Eye: What’s your reaction to being named a Renaissance Star?

Jordan Downs: I think its awesome being renaissance star!

EE: What is your favorite class this school year?

JD: Math, because I love doing math.

EE: Who is your all time favorite teacher and why?

JD: Mr. Zupon, because he’s funny and awesome to be around.

EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year?

JD: To pass, and go to the next grade.

EE: What is your favorite thing about Tyrone School District?

JD: It’s a good school to go to. This was my dream school! Everyone here is so friendly. I love coming to this school!