Second Marking Period Renaissance Star: Junior Sierra Morrison

Every marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.

Toni Burns

Junior Sierra Morrison

Sierra Morrison was chosen as the second marking period Renaissance star by Mrs. Christie Taylor.

Mrs. Taylor’s quote :

”Sierra has a consistently high grade in Health Tech I. She is positive, studious, and ALWAYS gets her work in. She gets along with all of her classmates. She is attentive in class. Sierra has a knack for medicine. There is no doubt she will go far in health care if she stays on the same track she has already started.”

EE: What’s your reaction to being named a Renaissance Star?

Sierra Morrison: I was surprised and happy.

EE: What is your favorite class this school year?

SM: Health

EE: What is your all time favorite teacher and why?

SM: Mrs. Taylor, because she is a great teacher.  She’s positive and always try to help the best she can.

EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year?

SM: Good SAT score.

EE: What is your favorite thing about the Tyrone Area School District?

SM: The teachers are willing to help students.