Second Marking Period High School Renaissance Stars
Congratulations to our second marking period Renaissance Stars!
Front Row (l-r): Heather Osterhout, Taylor Hoover, Sharon Salyer, Skyler Woodring Back row (l-r): Erick Ixtepan-Ramirez, Michael Nagle, Haley Wagner, Nick Greene
The Tyrone Renaissance Foundation recognizes two students from each grade level every nine weeks for outstanding academic achievement, positive attitude, or overall improvement. The nominations are made by the middle and high school teachers.
The Tyrone High School Renaissance Stars for the second marking period are as follows:
Erick Ixtepan-Ramirez & Sharon Salyer
Erick Ixtepan-Ramirez
Erick was chosen by Mrs. Kathy Beigle.
Mrs. Beigle’s quote:
“Erick is a pleasure to have in class. He is extremely polite, well-mannered, and has a smile for me every single day. He gets along very well with his peers and is willing to help anyone if needed. Erick also participates in “Man-to-Man,” a mentoring group for younger students. He has a great attitude! His respect and kindness will take him far in life.”
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
Erick: I was in disbelief at my achievement.
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
The people.
What is your best subject in school?
Sharon Salyer
Sharon was nominated by Mrs. Tiffany Johannides.
Mrs. Johannides’ quote:
“Despite having a serious medical issue, Sharon is in school every day and has a remarkable attitude. She does all her school work and has a goal of honor roll every marking period. She is a pleasure to talk to and is positive even when she isn’t feeling well. She is a role model and an inspiration.”
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
Sharon: It feels great and it makes me feel special.
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
The football games.
What is your best subject in school?
Haley Wagner & Taylor Hoover
Haley Wagner
Haley was nominated by Mrs. Christie Taylor.
Mrs. Taylor’s quote:
“Haley is a VERY pleasant young lady. She has a great sense of humor and gets along with all students in class. She has worked hard, coming back from health issues. She ALWAYS has a positive attitude and smile on her face. Her work is always neat, complete, and turned in on time. She has excellent people skills. Haley did a great job helping her classmates the first day of clinical at Tyrone Regional Hospital. She wrote a thank you card for a department she shadowed, something never done in health tech history. Her intelligence, sense of humor, excellent manners, and knack for people and health care will take her far. YOU ROCK, Haley!”
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
Haley: It is an honor to be a Renaissance Star. It feels like a great accomplishment.
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
The teachers and how helpful they are.
What is your best subject in school?
Either health tech or chemistry, because I’m interested in both of them.
Taylor Hoover
Junior Taylor Hoover was nominated by Mrs. Marasco.
Mrs. Marasco’s quote:
“Taylor is an extremely hard worker. Her positive attitude shines through daily in
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
It is a nice opportunity and I’m grateful to have received the award.
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
I enjoy spending time with my friends.
What is your best subject in school?
Skyler Woodring & Nick Greene
Skyler Woodring
Skyler was nominated by Mrs. Beth Cannistraci
Mrs. Cannistraci’s quote:
“Throughout the last month, Skyler has shown consistent progress. Earlier in the year, at times he needed to be redirected, now he is an active participant both in traditional classroom settings and during labs in Biology class. Skyler recently helped a student who has been absent from class to “catch” up. Not only is he showing success academically, but he is also more positive in his interactions with both peers and adults.”
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
Skyler: Great.
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
Teachers are beyond nice.
What is your best subject in school?
English 10.
Nick Greene
Nick was chosen by Mrs. Christie Taylor
Mrs. Taylor’s quote:
“Nick is a SUPER nice guy who is quiet, but ALWAYS attentive in class. He has a great sense of humor and gets along with all students in class. He works hard to turn in his work on time which is thoroughly done. Mr. Greene shows great interest in medicine and has a positive attitude. With his work ethic and personality, I know he will go far in health care and life! Keep up the good work Nick!”
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
Nick: Gratifying and gives you self-confidence.
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
The classes that prepare you for future jobs.
What is your best subject in school?
Michael Nagle & Heather Osterhout
Michael Nagle
Michael was nominated by the teachers on the Ninth Grade Team.
Ninth Grade Team’s quote:
“Michael is a great student. He is always on task. Michael always strives to improve. He stepped up to the challenge of doing a research paper in National History Day when he could have done something easier.”
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
It feels pretty good
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
Band and basketball because they are two of my favorite things to do.
What is your best subject in school?
History because it is interesting.
Heather Osterhout
Heather was also nominated by the teachers on the Ninth Grade Team.
Ninth Grade Team’s quote:
“Heather is a very conscientious student who works hard and keeps herself on-task. She always strives to improve.”
Eagle Eye: What does it feel like to be a Renaissance Star?
It feels good getting recognized for doing good things.
What’s your best thing about Tyrone?
I like the 9th grade teachers and my friends.
What is your best subject in school?
The class that I do the best in is science. It is also my favorite class. Mr. Wilson is the best!

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