Photo of the Week: Band Director David Hock
Send us you best photography! Each Photo of the Week published wins free hot item and drink from the Eagle’s Roast Cafe!
Ethan White and Andrea Umbaldi
Eagle Eye: When and where was the photo taken?
David Hock: “The photo was taken Saturday, November 3 at Cedar Cliff High School in Camp Hill, at the Marching Band Atlantic Coast Championship competition.”
EE: What compelled you to take the photo?
DH: “I was compelled to take the photo because the marching band had just finished 9th place out of 25 marching bands and received their plaque at awards. I always like to share what we do and our awards on our Tyrone Band Facebook page, so I posted this photo on that page, and I also use it for our archives and the band slideshow in the spring.”
EE: What is your take on photography? How do you feel about it?
DH: “I love photography. I think it’s a very important art form. I love taking pictures and always take too many pictures when I’m on vacation somewhere. I always really enjoy putting together the band slideshow that I show at the band banquet every spring.”
EE: what is your favorite thing about the photo?
DH: “My favorite thing about the photo is the two seniors displaying the award together. They haven’t graduated yet, but I know their fellow students and I will miss them a lot next year.”

I'm a freshman this is my first year of Eagle Eye, I joined because I really enjoy writing and I like to keep people updated. I want to improve my writing...