Editorial: Is Patriotism Dying?


Picture it, the morale of a country that is so diminished, so utterly bleak and grim, to the point where no one has faith in their country or their leaders anymore. No I’m not talking about post WW1 Germany, no, I’m talking about present day America. Back in the 1900’s America was such a powerhouse in terms of how many people wanted in, how many people viewed the military in a positive way, and how many people truly believed that the United States of America was the greatest nation to ever exist. However nowadays it feels like that patriotic spirit is dying. Almost as if it is a scattered jigsaw puzzle.

Until we can set aside our issues and put all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle back together as one people, we simply cannot do anything to save America and patriotism. However, when we do solve our problems, I can say, with 100% sincerity and passion, we will make America great again as one people!

— Free Brown

Now let’s get things straight, I’m not saying that the feeling of patriotism is flat out dead, but I AM saying that it is on a very steep decline. For example, a lot of foreign immigrants want to immigrate to the U.S, which is wonderful! However, the amount of Americans leaving the U.S isn’t beneficial to the dying spirit in any way shape or form. The BBC news station stated in an article that “The day after Super Tuesday, when 12 states voted in the Republican primaries in the US, Google announced that searches for the phrase ‘Move to Canada’ were higher than at any other time in Google history”. Don’t get me wrong, Canada is a nice place, but the amount of people with the desire to move there and away from the US just serves to show how so many people have lost their feeling of faith and patriotism. Honestly it is pretty sad that this high of an amount of Americans have lost faith in America.

Now there is a big debate on whether or not the USA is still the best country on this earth, and the rapid decline of patriotism is definitely not helping. Matters such as race, gender, rights and privacy, essentially pins one against another on these controversial topics, thus splitting the country even further. This great divide in our country is rapidly depleting the feeling of freedom and patriotism, and it’s only hurting America. The questions that regarding these topics don’t really have an answer. And when questions don’t have answers that normal people can solve, we call out the scientists, philosophers and politicians. The problem with calling out such great minds to solve such questions distracts them from doing other great things like fixing America and restoring patriotism.

Now there is one sad misconception about patriotism with many Americans that has done a massive number on American pride: The misconception between fascism and patriotism. During WWII, Nazi Germany sought to put their people first and make it to where Germany’s position of power would never be questioned. They quite literally worshiped their country as if it were a God. Because of this, when people try to say “America is number one! USA USA USA!” many others associate that feeling of national pride with Nazism. When this does happen, the person trying to put America first could be called a Nazi, a fascist, or just plain evil. Trust me, nobody wants to be a Nazi. This had obliterated the amount of people that attempt to put America first, as they don’t want to be labeled as such a terrible term.

In the end, patriotism isn’t dead outright, but you can bet that it is dying, and fast. We are simply too distracted, too judgmental, and too confused to try and put America back in first place. So in the future patriotism is only going to go further and further down the toilet. Until we can set aside our issues and put all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle back together as one people, we simply cannot do anything to save America and patriotism. However, when we do solve our problems, I can say, with 100% sincerity and passion, we will make America great again as one people!