Third marking period Renaissance Star: Sophomore Carly Crofcheck
Every marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.
Mr. Cammarata chose sophomore Carly Crofcheck for the honor of Renaissance Star.
Mr. Cammarata’s quote:
“Carly has been a key part of the success of the Eagle Eye this year. She is always willing to take on assignments and her writing continues to improve. She’s not afraid to take on difficult and challenging stories and she is willing to go through as many revisions and rewrites as necessary to get a story right. One of her stories was already accepted by the Best of Student Newspapers Online and helped to qualify the Eagle Eye for a national award.”
Eagle Eye: What do you think about being named a Renaissance Star?
Carly Crofcheck: I feel privileged to be named a Renaissance star! I don’t think I ever was before.
EE: What is your favorite class this school year and why?
CC: English with Mr.Rutter because I love reading and writing and he always knows how to keep your attention.
EE: Who is your all-time favorite teacher and why?
CC: I have too many favorites, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Deskevich, Mr. Rutter, Mr. Cammarata, and Mrs. Hoy (mom). They’re all very helpful, supportive, easy to talk to and truly make school fun!
EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this year?
CC: This school year, I hope to keep up with getting straight A’s. Also to improve my test scores in challenging classes and I hope to go to Districts in track for Javelin.
EE: What are some of your favorite things about the Tyrone School District?
CC: I love the faculty and staff, they are very helpful and sympathetic. I know I could talk to any one of them about anything. I also like the diversity in our school and how close students and teachers are.

Bonjour, I’m Duane. If you’re wondering why I use bonjour it’s because I am currently taking French 1. It’s something new for me, learning a new...