2nd Marking Rennaissance Star: Freshman Ethan Naylor
Each marking period, teachers are invited to nominate students for the Renaissance Star Awards.
Ethan Naylor
Ninth grader Ethan Naylor was nominated by Mr. Zupon.
Mr. Zupon’s quote:
“Ethan has become such a leader inside and outside the classroom. He always comes to school prepared and ready to work and has been on the Honor Roll both marking periods. Ethan is helpful to all students, particularly the younger students. He will help at all times, no matter the situation. He always does what he is asked and is a help to all staff. Ethan always says hello to everyone and has a great personality. He is a wonderful student!”
Eagle Eye: What is your reaction to being named a Renaissance Star?
Ethan Naylor: I was shocked.
EE: What is your favorite class this school year?
EN: History
EE: Who is your all-time favorite teacher and why?
EN: Mr. Zupon and Mrs. Burket, because they give me respect.
EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year?
EN: Keep getting honor roll.
EE: What is your favorite thing about the Tyrone Area School District?
EN: My friends.

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