1st Marking Period Renaissance Star: Sophomore Andy Beam
Every marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.
Andy Beam
Mr. Josh Zupon chose sophomore Andy Beam for the honor of Renaissance Star.
Mr. Zupon’s quote:
“Andy has had an outstanding start to the school year. He comes to school every day to work. First thing in the morning he delivers the teacher copies from the copy room to their rooms. The teachers rave about what a big help this is and how it saves them time. Andy then comes back to class and works hard all day. He is a joy to be around and has a great sense of humor. Andy is a great student.”
Question and answer with Andy:
Eagle Eye: What’s your reaction to being named a Renaissance star?
Andy Beam: I was so excited!
EE: What is your favorite class this school year?
AB: Phys. Ed
EE: Who is your all-time favorite teacher and why?
AB: All the teachers I had.
EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year/
AB: To keep doing well in school and having fun!
EE: What is your favorite thing about the Tyrone School District?
AB: Coming to school, delivering papers, and Phys. Ed!

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