1st Marking Period Renaissance Star: Freshman Haley Sharer
Every marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.
Haley Sharer was chosen as a Renaissance Star by the 9th Grade Team.
9th Grade Team’s quote:
“Haley is very sweet. She is always willing to help out other students. She is willing to work with anyone.”
Eagle Eye: What is your reaction to being named a Renaissance Star?
Haley Sharer: [I was] surprised.
EE: What is your favorite class this school year?
HS: Gym
EE: Who is your all-time favorite teacher and why?
HS: Mr. Wilson, because he’s funny.
EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year?
HS: To get all straight A’s.
EE: What is your favorite thing about the Tyrone Area School District?
HS: My friends

Hello, I’m Olivia Bietz and I am a freshman writer for the Eagle Eye newspaper this year. I’m involved in several extra-curricular activities at Tyrone,...