Tyrone Students Share Ideas with Area Schools at PBIS Summit
Students at the Golden Revolution School Year Kickoff celebration
Sixteen students representing Tyrone Area High School’s Golden Revolution program attended a PBIS summit in State College on Wednesday, November 14th.
Twenty two other high school and middle school PBIS programs from all over central Pennsylvania were also in attendance. The purpose of the summit was for students to meet and share ideas for improving their school culture and community.
The PBIS is a program implemented by many Pennsylvania schools. Also known as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support, PBIS is a boring name for a great idea, a movement to make schools a better place by involving students, teachers, administration and staff in decision making and community building activities.

Golden Kickoff Day
So far this year, the Golden Revolution/PBIS Committee has organized Tyrone’s 2018 Golden Kick Off Day, two pre-football game tailgates, and the Golden Raffle student recognition drawing every month.
At the summit students from each school gave presentations on what their schools PBIS program has done this year to create a positive environment for their students.
“Positivity is contagious. If we can increase the number of smiles, the number of ‘how are you’s,’ the number of ‘great jobs,’ the number of giveaways, and the number of fun and engaging events at our school, then we should see an increase in attitude, motivation, and attendance,” said Golden Revolution Adviser Michael Funicelli, “We are well on our way to achieving those goals.”
The high school Golden Revolution members were in a room with about twenty students from different schools. They talked to the other students about Tyrone’s kick off day, and some of the other things that makes Tyrone’s PBIS program unique.
The Golden Kick Off was a challenge to plan and the Tyrone students shared their experiences with the other schools. The students then discussed Tyrone’s ideas and put their own twist on it, just as Golden Revolution members took ideas from other schools and are excited to put their own twists on it to make TAHS a more positive place.
Golden Rev has a lot of plans for the future. Hopefully some will be put into action. The students in Golden Rev have talked about possibly ending the year with a celebration for all of the students that have been ‘’Golden’ throughout the four marking periods.
Tyrone students in attendance at the summit were Alaina Heverly, Chloe Sprankle, Chris Wilkins, Dan Parker, Ebonee Rice, Hanna Denny, Jayden Graham, Kayla Michenfelder, Kylee Gooding, Kylin Hoover, Laura Kohler, Lucia Isenberg, Mya Romano, Olivia Watson, Reagan Wood and Sarah Jackson.

Sarah Jackson is a senior and has been a part of Eagle Eye for three consecutive years. Last year she was Eagle Eye's Social Media Editor and this year...

This is Lucia’s fourth year in Eagle Eye and her third year as Photo Editor. She is very excited to express her creativity and find new ways to take...