Teacher of the Week: Mrs. Kaylee Kenepp

Fabria Brower

Mrs. Kenepp is a 5th grade teacher at Tyrone.

Kaylee Kenepp, a teacher at Tyrone Middle School, is well-known for her outgoing personality and school spirit. Her bubbly personality brings a smile to many students’ faces.

Eagle Eye: Why did you become a teacher?

Kaylee Kenepp: “I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I loved learning and school and I would play ‘school’ for hours on end when I was a little girl. I enjoy watching kids gain knowledge and helping young people become well-rounded members of society.”

EE: Why did you choose the subject you teach?

KK: “I didn’t choose it necessarily. I was actually kind of nervous when I was told I was teaching math 10 years ago. Now I love it! I love helping students become confident with math and reminding them that it’s ok to make mistakes. I also teach social studies, which I love because I enjoy history.”

EE: What’s your favorite thing about teaching at Tyrone?

KK: “I really love the school spirit at Tyrone. Every year I’m so humbled by the amount of passion each teacher puts into their students. I am honored to be a member of the staff here.”

EE: What are some of your favorite hobbies and interests?

KK: “Although some may find it odd, I enjoy cleaning. I think most of my students remember or know me as the one who has a very clean classroom. I also like shopping, reading, watching reality TV (the Kardashians are my fav), and being with my friends and family.”

EE: What is some good advice you’ve been given as a teacher?

KK: “I’ve received so much amazing advice from teaching professionals, but one thing that really stuck with me was to be true to myself. Even as an adult we can get caught up with trends and what this person or that person is doing. Sometimes it makes us feel like we aren’t good enough or that our students don’t like us as much as they like another teacher. I learned that if I stay true to myself my students will love me for who I am and everything else will fall into place.”

EE: What’s the hardest part of teaching and why?

KK: “The hardest part of teaching for me is feeling like I didn’t do enough in a day. I enter the building every day with so many goals and when I leave I sometimes feel like I didn’t reach those goals. As educators, we pack so much into a day and onto our plates. It can be very overwhelming sometimes.”

EE: What are some jobs held before you got into teaching?

KK: “I worked at Chuck E. Cheese (I seriously loved it!), Sheetz, and a daycare.”

EE: What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

KK: “I never missed a day of school when I was young, ever!”

EE: What’s your favorite movie?

KK: A League of Their Own

EE: What is your spirit animal? Why?

KK: “A cheetah. They are fast, fierce, and beautiful.”