Teacher Of The Week: Mrs. Brittany Baker

Fabria Brower

Teacher of the Week and Tyrone math teacher, Mrs. Brittney Baker.

Mrs. Brittany Baker is a math teacher at Tyrone. She encourages students to strive and do their best. She communicates with students to understand their troubles and brings life into her classroom. Mrs. Baker is a very inspirational teacher and many students look forward to walking into her classroom each day. Thank you for all that you do for us Mrs. Baker and congrats on being teacher of the week!

Eagle Eye: Why did you become a teacher?

Brittany Baker: I became a teacher because I love working with kids. I had many influential teachers throughout my middle and high school years and I wanted to be able to have an opportunity to positively impact future generations as they did.

EE: Why did you choose the subject you teach?

BB: I like a challenge and the math classes I took throughout my high school career challenged me. I also like the problem-solving aspect of mathematics.

EE: What’s your favorite thing about teaching at Tyrone?

BB: My favorite thing about Tyrone is definitely the people. The students are always eager to learn and we have the best staff!

EE: What are some of your favorite hobbies and interests?

BB: I enjoy spending time with family and friends (and my Saint Bernard puppy, Addie!), as well as shopping and working out.

EE: What is some good advice you’ve been given as a teacher?

BB: Spend time around veteran teachers. Be flexible. And don’t lose your sense of humor!

EE: What’s the hardest part of teaching and why?

BB: In my opinion, one of the hardest things is trying to “get through” to a student who has a million other things going on in his/her world, where school work is low on the totem pole. I want to see every student have the opportunity to do their best and succeed.

EE: What are some jobs held before you got into teaching?

BB: I worked at the Penn State Bookstore, as well as at a golf course during college. I was also a lifeguard.

EE: What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

BB: I was a salutatorian in high school.

EE: What’s your favorite movie?

BB: I love Disney movies, so basically anything Disney!

EE: What is your spirit animal? Why?

BB: A starfish–I love laying on the beach in the sun but I also love being in the ocean.