Teacher Of The Week: Mrs. Amy Elder

Fabria Brower

Mrs. Elder is a kindergarten teacher here at Tyrone.

This week’s Eagle Eye Teacher of the Week is Tyrone Elementary Kindergarten teacher Amy Elder. Mrs. Elder is known for her contagious positivity and great enthusiasm. She is a very optimistic person and prioritizes her students above all. Tyrone is lucky to have Mrs. Elder as part of the team. Read below to find out more about Mrs. Elder:

Eagle Eye: Why did you become a teacher?

Amy Elder: As a former Golden Eagle, I grew up really loving school. I felt like I had built great relationships with my teachers and that they really cared about me. I suppose I was drawn to teaching because I wanted to provide that type of caring learning environment for the next generation of learners. I also spent a lot of time babysitting for families and working at the Tyrone daycare, which really solidified my love for teaching small children.

EE: Why did you choose the subject you teach?

AE: For years I thought I wanted to teach second grade. My student teaching placement ended up being in a Kindergarten classroom with an amazing mentor teacher. I loved it so much that I’ve been in Kindergarten ever since. It can definitely be a challenge, but it is always entertaining.

EE: What’s your favorite thing about teaching at Tyrone?

AE: I love my team and the staff here at Tyrone. They are always friendly and so helpful. I also love that as a local, I get to see past and present students around town. I especially love hearing what former students are up to and seeing how much they have grown since they were in Kindergarten. They make me proud to have been a small part of their lives.

EE: What are some of your favorite hobbies and interests?

AE: I love spending time with my family. I have a 7-year-old son and a 3-year-old daughter. They keep me very busy. We like going on walks and watching movies together. We love Penn State football. I also love going to the beach.

EE: What is some good advice you’ve been given as a teacher?

AE: Prioritizing myself and my family doesn’t make me a “bad” teacher. I think teaching is a profession that will swallow you up if you let it. I’ve spent a lot of time allowing it to consume me. I care deeply about my students and our district, but I have learned to save some of myself for my life outside of the classroom.

EE: What’s the hardest part of teaching and why?

AE: That’s a really tough question. I don’t think anyone outside of the teaching realm can really understand how truly difficult it is to be a teacher, at any level. These last few years have been especially trying for teachers. I think the toughest part for me personally has to be the unrealistic expectations placed on educators today. It feels like every year we are given more responsibilities to juggle and it can feel very heavy at times. It is very easy to feel inadequate in this profession, like no matter what you do, it’s never enough.

EE: What are some jobs held before you got into teaching?

AE: I used to babysit in high school. After high school, I worked at Tyrone Daycare for a few years.

EE: What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?

AE: I have next to no sense of smell. I had my tonsils and adenoids removed in 2nd grade and I guess there was a chance it could affect my smell. Turns out it did. However, I promise I can still taste!

EE: What’s your favorite movie?

AE: I really like light-hearted quotable comedies. One of my favorites is Couples Retreat.

EE: What is your spirit animal? Why?

AE: I would say my spirit animal would have to be a dolphin. I’ve always felt such a connection with the water, the ocean is my happy place. As a child, I always hoped I would one day turn into a mermaid. Since I’m clearly still waiting to sprout scales, a dolphin seems like the next best thing.