Teacher of the Week: Mr. Tom Coleman
Teacher of the Week: Mr. Tom Coleman
Eagle Eye: Why did you become a teacher?
Tom Coleman: I desire to make a difference and change the lives of students.
EE: Why did you choose the subject you teach?
TC: I became a physical education teacher so I can teach the students the value of being active and staying healthy.
EE: What’s your favorite thing about teaching at Tyrone?
TC: I really enjoy the students and co-workers.
EE: What are some of your favorite hobbies and interests?
TC: Watching my sons Aiden and AJ play sports, fishing, and mowing lawns.
EE: What is some good advice you’ve been given as a teacher?
TC: Understand your role in the students’ lives and manage your classroom fairly and firmly
EE: What’s the hardest part of teaching and why?
TC: Nothing, I really enjoy teaching!!!!!
EE: What are some jobs held before you got into teaching?
TC: Worked on a dairy farm, an envelope factory, construction, and TSS worker for the Home Nursing Agency.
EE: What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?
TC: That I have a twin brother.
EE: What’s your favorite movie?
TC: Dazed and Confused, Top Gun-Maverick
EE: What is your spirit animal? Why?
TC: The Eagle because it has a laser-like focus and allows us to channel a strong force of will. We can benefit from the Eagle’s warlike energy and refuse to succumb to defeat.

Fabria typically publishes the Teacher Of The Week articles here at Tyrone, but outside of her life in the Eagle Eye room, she enjoys spending time out...