Swim Team Welcomes Newcomers for the Upcoming Season


Interested in a new and challenging sport? Want to meet new people from different schools?

Then, Tyrone swimming is the sport for you. Swimming is the only tri-school sport at Tyrone, which includes students from Tyrone, Bellwood, and Bishop Guilfoyle.

Swimming is also the only winter sport that includes both boys and girls. The boys and girls practice together and compete at the same time, but alternate events at meets. The boys and girls team each get their own score based on the order in which the swimmer finishes (1st- 6 points, 2nd- 4 points, 3rd- 3 points, 4th- 2 points, 5th- 1 point, 6th- 0 points).

It’s an easy sport to get involved in. It’s not like basketball or wrestling, where people have been in the sport for years and have perfected their positions and techniques. The swim team practices a lot to get newcomers in shape for the upcoming season and prepare for competition against other schools.

It’s very relaxed and easy to make friends because there is a variety of people from different schools.

Sounds like the sport for you? Sign up in the Athletic Office.

Not sure or have more questions about swimming? Contact Coach Tom Getz at 207-9126 or [email protected].

Voluntary practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursday from 3:30-5. Mandatory practices will start Monday, November 20th and will be held at the same time.