GOLDEN Raffle Announces Four Winners for October

The October GOLDEN Eagle Raffle was broadcast live on the Channel T morning announcements on October 2. There were 106 golden nominees this month. From those, four winners were chosen at random to receive $100 in prizes.

The winners for October were Kyle Weaver, Eric Myers, Destiny Moser and Jacob Scott

The first prize winner receieved a $25.00 Subway gift card, the second prize was a Kohl Caps Tyrone hat and $5 ($25 dollar value), the third prize was a snack basket (value $25), and the fourth was a $25.00 Olive Garden gift card.

Kyle Weaver was nominated by Mrs. Taylor.  “Kyle helped HOSA with their Golden Eagle trick-or-treat and handed out candy,” said Taylor.

Jacob Scott was nominated by Mrs. Latchford. “Jacob always writes inspirational quotes on my board in the morning. It’s a great start to the day,” said Latchford.

Eric Myers was nominated by Mrs. Grugan. “Eric is a leader in partner work and respectful about expressing needs,” said Grugan.

Destiny Moser was nominated by Mrs. Williams. “Destimy is driven to do well this year.  She has even come in for extra help in biology and math,” said Williams.

The Golden Eagle raffle is a way to reward students for their hard work and positive attitudes.  

Golden is an acronym for Genuine, Optimistic, Leadership, Driven, Engaged, and Neighborly.

Students who are caught displaying these characteristics were nominated by their teachers for the monthly Golden Eagle raffle.

In the last month, almost 100 students were nominated by teachers, staff and administration.  Here are just a few of the nominees:

Junior Jayde LaRosa and Senior Kyle Plummer were nominated for being genuine.

Genuine Students are helpful, respectful, and empathetic.

“Jayde kindly offered the use of her pen on our field trip when mine were M.I.A. She is always helpful and puts her her best foot forward, no matter what, ” said health tech teacher  Christie Taylor.

Sneior Kyle Plummer was nominated for being genuine as well by choral director Laura Harris for his actions at the powderpuff game.

“A student had her feelings hurt by some of the other students that were there. Kyle went to her to see if she was okay. [He] said things to cheer her up and then took a picture with her all just to make her feel better. He is such a kind and caring young man,” said Harris in regards to Plummer.

Optimistic students are positive, patient, and supportive.

Mrs. Ray nominated junior Brayden Neveling-Ray for his optimistic attitude. She wrote “we appreciate your positive attitude and your ability to lead by example, both in and out of the classroom.”

Another nominee from this category in Sophomore Jacob Scott, who won the $25.00 Olive Garden Gift card. He was nominated by Mrs. Latchford for writing inspirational quotes on her board in the morning. “It’s the great way to start the day,” said Latchford.

Leaders are involved, set an example for others, and are brave.

Chorus teacher Laura Harris nominated senior Molly Harris as a leader for the Golden Raffle.

Molly offered advice for the audition process and always had positive and constructive comments for the other students.  She wrote, “She was an exceptional example for the other students auditioning.”   

Eagle Eye adviser Todd Cammarata nominated junior Olivia Watson for “writing a touching tribute to a local child with medical problems.”

Driven students are motivated, purposeful, and timely.

Freshman Sarah Hoover was nominated by Science teacher Ron Wilson. Hoover was nominated due to her commitment to excellence. According to Wilson, “Sarah is very motivated to do well…and does so with a smile on her face.”

Engaged students participate, are attentive, and aware.

Mrs. Beth Cannistraci has seen sophomore Seth Dell engaging in his school work noting that “Seth has developed a true growth mindset and is working hard both in and out of the classroom.  As a result, he is completing more advanced work.”  

In addition, Mr. Ron Wilson nominated freshman Miranda Goodman, highlighting that “Miranda is a very attentive and is very diligent about her work she sets a strong example for classmates.”

Neighborly students are friendly, courteous, and appropriate. Freshman Ayden McCracken was nominated by Ms. Bartlett for the raffle in the neighborly category. McCracken is always helping in his fifth period Spanish 1 class.  

Senior Elina was nominated by guidance counselor Joannides for her neighborly characteristics. “Elina always takes new students on tours… She does a great job, and is always kind and helpful.”

The nominees mentioned above were just a small sample of students caught being GOLDEN and there were many others that displayed the traits of genuine, optimistic, leader, driven. engaged, and neighborly.