Rave: Recent Female Hair Trends

Be yourself…

Rave: Recent Female Hair Trends

Why do girls shave the side of their head?

Recently girls have began to shave on side of their head and leaving the rest of their hair alone. People are always dissing on them. Why? After all its their body and they’ll do what they want to.

I believe girls do it because its a way to express themselves. The hair cut allows them to express the way they want to dress, they style, way of life, and be observed. They can do what they want to themselves and who are we as society to hate.

Think back to the 8O’s big hair and bright clothing, when the trend first started how many people do you think got critisized? Its just the beganing of a trend., Just like leggings. Anybody who wore them were called names and hated on, but now everybody does it withiout a remark even said.

Why, because its the way our culture works.

We’re not made in a factory.  We aren’t Barbies! Who wants to be the same? What ever happend to a thing called indivisuality and originality? Right,  forgot society is like a game of Simon Says.

There are the few of us people who question society, who rebell. Who aren’t afraid of expressing themselves outwardly. Sometimes it’s healthy to try and do what you want without worrying about how people will react.

For too many people, society dictates what they can and cannot do.

It’ always important to remember that just like 80s big hair and leggings, shaved hair is just a trend, and after a while, it will be a totally acceptable fashion choice that hardly anyone will bat an eye at.