PSU Director of Student Recruitment visits Ag department

Tyrone Ag students got an opportunity to discuss college options in agriculture with a PSU official

Ag students in Mrs. Hoy’s CASE classes got the opportunity to learn about PSU agriculture majors and minors and ask questions from Director of Student Recruitment and Activities Jean Lonie.

I love getting to go to high schools to visit with prospective students,” said Lonie, “Some students know exactly what they want to major in and have very specific questions for me, but for most of the students I meet it’s a chance to start to think about college as an option and help them better understand how to plan for the next step in their education.”

Lonie gets the chance to showcase Penn State and the opportunities available in the College of Agricultural Sciences.

“It’s a lot of fun to get to hear what students want to do in the future and be a resource for them in terms of what career options are available to them,” said Lonie.

According to Lonie, senior students interested in the College of Ag Sciences should apply before Thanksgiving if possible. They are also encouraged to tour the campus.

Lonie’s goal is to help students understand the importance of thinking about what might be the next step in making informed decisions about education, career, and future.

“It was very informational,” said Ag student Katrina Hagenbuch, “I am actually changing what I want to go to college for. I was really unsure about my future and chose a major that I don’t really fit in. After having Ms. Lonie talk to me, my mind opened up and I am actually excited to go to college.”

“If you are willing to do the work and do a bit of research, you have a lot of options available to you,” said Lonie.

From the Penn State perspective, there’s many options for majors, 17 in the College of Agricultural Sciences alone, and even options for where to start a career, 20 campuses for undergraduate students, including University Park and Penn State Altoona.

“This is a great time to be in Ag sciences,” said Lonie, “No matter what you are interested in, there are many options for you to study topics that you’re interested in–and lead to successful careers and great experiences here at home and around the world.