Photo of the Week: Maggie Parks
The beautiful colors of the Huntington Furnace Sunset in the distance.
Eagle Eye: Where/When was the photo taken?
Maggie Parks: “Huntington Furnace Road on November 13, 2018.”
EE: Why did you take the photo?
MP: “The sunset just looked really pretty.”
EE: What is your take on photography? How do you feel about it?
MP: “I used to want to be a photographer. I love taking pictures!”
EE: What’s going on in this picture?
MP: “All the different colors.”
EE: Do you have anything else to add?
MP: “Nah.”
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I'm a freshman this is my first year of Eagle Eye, I joined because I really enjoy writing and I like to keep people updated. I want to improve my writing...

Hi, my name is Maggie Parks. Usually I am a photographer and staff member for the TAHS yearbook, but this year I decided to try my hand in writing for...