Philipsburg Downs Tyrone 9-0
Freshman Evan Chichester shooting the ball
Tyrone was hoping to build off of their first goal of the season against Penns Valley and score in consecutive games. But while Tyrone had many good opportunities against the Mounties, they were unable to take advantage of them and lost 9-0 to the Philipsburg Mounties on Thursday, October 7.
Tyrone started off weak, letting the Mounties score in the first five minutes. Throughout the first half, a handful of shots were taken on goal courtesy of sophomores Conner Bardell and Rocky Romani.
Both teams created many chances to add points to their side of the scoreboard. Unfortunately, Philipsburg put those chances to good use a lot more than Tyrone did.
As halftime approached, the score was 6-0, and the young Golden Eagles were ready for the ten-minute break between the halves. With only two substitutes, most of Tyrone’s players played the full eighty minutes of the game.
Half time started and the main point the coaches and players all agreed upon was that they needed to close down space between opposing players.
An apparent problem was that they were giving the Mounties too much time with the ball. By closing down the space, it could make the Mounties feel rushed, which would give them less time with the ball.
The second half was similar to the first; a lot of passing happened between both teams.
Tyrone did concede fewer goals in the second half than the first. This is due to one of their own philosophies: eliminating space between players equals less time for them to shoot.
At the end of the game, Tyrone really started to wake up, but that energy needed to come out a little sooner for now it was too late.

Rocky Romani is a senior at Tyrone Area High School and is back for round four of his Eagle Eye membership. For the Eagle Eye, Rocky mainly covers sports...

This is Emily. Emily is a senior and this is her first year in Eagle Eye. In previous years Emily has been a member of the yearbook staff. Emily plays...