My Favorite Mistake

By Haley Sharer, Guest Writer

What a decision I made about two years ago. I was having a shopping day with my mom, we went to the mall and then afterwards Rite-Aid. As we were strolling and browsing through Rite Aid, we came across the hair product section.My eyes lit up because I am in love with hair. My mom said she needed hair dye and she’ll get me a bottle to redo my hair. As we got to the hair dye area, she got her color and I picked up a black bottle and said “Mom I want to dye the tips of my hair black!”. Because it was summer time, she could care less of what color(s) I applied to my hair. I was so excited I ran up and remember the price was $6.26. Then hurried to the car to get home a dye my hair.

When I got home, I had to wait about an hour to do my hair. But, when the time came I took my shirt off, put a cami on and dyed my hair. It took about 45 minutes before I could wash it out. Once I washed it out I hurried up and put my hair in a towel then blow dried it. Once I got done blow drying it and all of that good stuff I was just in love with it.

Skipping to eighth grade, last year I wanted to dye my hair burgundy. So my mother went and got the hair dye. As she was dying my hair it felt like it was taking forever. My hair was so long I had to use two bottles. So, 45 minutes later I go to rinse out my hair and dry it and it looked amazing. I was in love with my hair. It was like a deep reddish purple. So pretty.

As I examined my hair, I noticed towards the bottom it was much darker than the rest of my hair. It was very noticeable too. I started to freak out. Than ran to my mom freaking out and so she went to store again and got another bottle of hair dye. And we put it on the tips of my hair for 25 minutes. Then rinse and dried. But it was STILL there. That is when I figured out once you go black you never go back. I was so upset and I thought this was the worst mistake I have ever done.

To get the black out of my tips I had to bleach my whole hair because I didn’t want to make my hair uneven. So once I bleached my hair I cried because my hair felt SO dead. After I bleached my hair, I rinsed it out then dried it. I hated the color the bleach left behind so I was so happy to dye my hair burgundy. So about 90 minutes worth of killing my hair my hair was back to burgundy. I was very happy to see my hair look so pretty. But I had another problem, it felt so dead. I used shampoo and conditioner, oils and creams till my hair was finally healthy again.

I think before you dye your hair black you should think about it for awhile. My worst but favorite mistake is dying the tips of my hair black. I learned from it once you go black you never go back (without bleaching it).