Moving on up! Eighth grade students prepare for high school


Kristi Carroll

Eighth graders (soon to be ninth graders) Laura Gunter and Armand Futrell

Summer is quickly approaching and students are getting ready to move up to the next grade. Eighth graders who will be 9th graders next year will be making their way to the high school.

It will be a different experience for them. The transition from middle school to high school can be difficult for some students.  They will not only be around their friends, but they will also be around the older students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.

We interviewed middle school guidance counselor Matt Kimberling and two eighth grade students about their upcoming transition to high school.   Laura Gunter, and Armand Futrell were randomly chosen to be questioned about how they feel on becoming “high-schoolers.”

Mr. Kimberling, what do you tell the kids to prepare them for high school?

Kimberling: I talk to them about the expectations in high school. I tell them what the teachers will expect from them, the effort that will need to be put forth for their school work. Also I talk to them about how now that their going into high school, the teachers will crack down, and how they need to be young ladys and gentlemen.

I wish the class of 2018 good luck, and have a great time in high school. It will be the best years of your life

Armand and Laura, did the middle school teachers prepare you for high school? If so, what did they do?

Armand: The teachers really didn’t do anything to prepare us but Mr. Kimberling talked to us about going to the high school.

Laura: The teachers just told us the expectations and rules that we were going to have to go by.

Are you excited about going into high school?

A: Yes, because that means I’m on step closer to graduating.

L: Yes, and no. I’m nervous because I’ll be around the older kids, but I’m excited to see what it has to offer us.

Now that your going into high school are you going to give your best effort?

A: Yes, I don’t want to fail, because that’s another year I don’t want to spend in school.

L: I gave my best effort in middle school, but now that I’m getting older my grades are going to count, because of college so I’m going to do my best, and hopefully that will be enough to pass.

Do you think high school will go by fast?

A: No, because I get in trouble a lot.

L: Yeah, because the years of middle school, and elementary went by fast.

Whats you biggest fear into going into high school?

A: My biggest fear is not being able to graduate with my class.

L: Not being liked by the teachers.

Are you looking forward to any classes?

A: I’m looking forward to lunch, and gym.

L: I’m looking forward to art with Mr. Feather.

Are you planning to play any sports in high school?

A: Yeah, I want to run track, play football, basketball, and baseball.

L: I dance at Dance Fusion, and there is no dance team here, so I’m going to further my career at Dance Fusion.