Letter to the Editor: Abortion Taking a Huge Portion

Chris Wilkins

Junior Jeremy Byers takes a stand on the debate of abortion. “No matter your excuse, the abortion of a baby is murder”.

Abortion has killed almost twice as many people than Hitler and Stalin combined. Since Roe v Wade was decided in 1973, over 60 million abortions have occurred in the United States. The Nazis and Soviets killed an estimated 32 million people. Is this really the way America should treat the future? Or are we just ready to see the future American youth be destroyed?

No matter your excuse, the abortion of a baby is murder. If the argument is given that outlawing abortion will cause overpopulation, then why are we looking for the cure for cancer, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s?

The “your body your choice” argument is probably the most used argument and the worst. We are talking about another life here. A woman can do whatever she wants to her body, but when it takes away somebody else’s life it becomes a problem. If someone is in a coma, and you had the choice to kill the person, who still has a chance to come back, would you? Most would answer no to that question because that person still has the potential to have life again, the same goes with being pregnant. Would you kill a baby that has potential to live? The baby has done nothing wrong to the mother, it has been created because of somebody else, so why kill the baby for no reason?

Financial problems and rape are often an excuse, but the issue of adoption is clearly overlooked and ignored. I understand rape is a traumatic event for a woman to experience, and a woman can be reminded about the incident just by looking at her child. The woman may not have had any consent of getting pregnant, but is she really willing to kill the baby, who doesn’t have any consent to be killed? That is terrible. If she doesn’t want to be reminded, put the child up for adoption.

Think about the father in this as well. Abortion can ruin a man’s life. A father can be so happy to find out he is having a kid, only to be heartbroken after seeing the mother choosing to abort it. In 2012, a 39-year-old man committed suicide after his girlfriend threatened to abort their baby. Not only can abortion ruin one life, you can ruin multiple lives. A lot of aborted babies would’ve been something important one day, but a mother neglected them, and decided to take their right to live away from them.

If you don’t abort and have the child, be a better person and step up to take care of it. Often it was a mistake to get pregnant. It’s the fault of both the man and the woman, and they’re the ones to blame because they didn’t take enough caution. If you don’t want to take care of it, or can’t, put it up for adoption.

Adoption is also too expensive and should be lowered, more adoptions would take place if this were the case. A lot of people can’t afford to adopt, it cost somewhere around $30,000 – $40,000 on average to adopt.

Should America really be taking so many innocent lives, or is this the modern Nazi movement?

With hundreds of thousands abortions happening every year, our future is being crushed under an inhumane way of murder. Abortion should be forbidden if we want the “American Way” to keep it’s reputation.