I’m Really More of a Dog Person

By Taylor Hoover, Features Editor

You know how some people have certain rules about their pets, like they aren’t allowed table scraps or they aren’t allowed on the furniture? Generally people have these rules in place for a reason. The lesson I learned was that it’s best to listen to those rules.

The story of my favorite mistake begins on a drizzly November day last year. I had been invited over to my friend, Kate’s house for her birthday. My friend, Anna, was invited as well. Right from the start, Anna fell in love with Kiera. Kiera is Kate’s orange furball of a cat. Anna carried that cat around like she was an accessory. She dragged her all over Kate’s house, not that the cat minded.

Kate’s party was a hit. Anna caked up our pores with thick make-up and tried out all kinds of nail painting techniques on our nails. We all got on a serious sugar rush after pigging out on cake and ice cream, then we stayed up until almost two in the morning watching The Host and The Hunger Games. After we finished the Hunger Games, we decided to get ready for bed up in Kate’s room.

Kate doesn’t trust Kiera in her room. She’s never clawed anything or peed anywhere in her room, but Kate still doesn’t trust her to be there. Kate always shuts her door to keep the little fluffball out. When we went up to bed though, Anna snagged the cat and brought her into the room with us. Kate didn’t say anything though, knowing that it was futile to try to argue with Anna.

We all said goodnight soon after and turned out the lights. A little while later, a noise came from Kiera. She had knocked over a light as she moved throughout the room. It startled all of us, until we realized the source of the noise. I should have seen that as a warning, a sign. Anna really should have listened to Kate’s rule about the fluffy orange menace. But it was too late when we saw the consequences.

Sleep drifted onto us quickly, despite the normal protocols of a sleepover excursion.

It was around five-thirty when I woke up. Snuggled in my sleeping bag, I felt all warm and cozy…. but why were my feet wet? More than a little confused, I sat up trying to figure out why my feet were wet. That’s when I saw my present. Right where my feet had been was a pool of cat pee, compliments of Kiera. It was so gross! My socks felt as though they had been submerged in water. I peeled my socks off as fast as I could and pulled myself out of my sleeping bag. I didn’t get any more sleep that night.

Several hours and one bath later, I found myself at the laundromat. My sleeping bag is too big to fit into our washing machine at home, so we had to take it there to get washed. It was not a fun experience. However while I was there, I came to a very important conclusion about this encounter. The lesson I learned was that people have rules in place for a reason and that you should listen to them. With good reason, Kate had banned her cat from her room. Next time, someone has a specific rule like hers for a pet, I plan on having that rule enforced. I personally hold Anna responsible for this debacle.

Another valuable lesson I have learned is that I am really more of a dog person.