Freshman Toni Burns named Golden Eagle mascot for 2014-15


Todd Cammarata

Freshman Toni Burns poses with her new alias, the Tyrone Golden Eagle.

Kristian Cowher will graduate this spring after a two year run as the mascot of the Tyrone Golden Eagles.  His replacement will be current freshman Toni Burns.  The Eagle Eye recently interviewed Toni about her new role.

Q and A with upcoming 2014 season mascot: Toni Burns

Eagle Eye: What made you want to become mascot?

Toni Burns: I knew Kristian was a senior this year and wouldn’t be able to do it next season.  It’s something I’ve always wanted to try.

EE: What are you most excited for?

TB: To go on that field and get the crowd fired up!

EE: What are your expectations as mascot?

TB: Bring it every Friday night and try my hardest to keep the crowd excited.

EE: What have you learned from recent mascot, Kristian Cowher that may help you?

TB: He showed me many different ways to keep a crowd going.

EE: How do you plan to pump up the crowd on a Friday night?

TB: I’m going to look up some cute mascot dances on YouTube! LOL

EE: Are you involved in any other extra-curricular activities?

TB: I play Softball, I’m in YAN, and the National Honor Society.

EE: Have you always been a Golden Eagle?

TB: Born and raised! <3

EE: What is your favorite sports team?

TB: Whoever wins the game! #bandwagon #sorrynotsorry

EE: Any final comments?

TB: We are Team Toughness Tyrone! 🙂