FFA Week: What Makes FFA Unique

The National FFA is a school-based youth leadership development organization of more than 850,000 student members in 8,995 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. FFA was founded by a group of young farmers in 1928, and the organization has been influencing generations that agriculture is more than planting and harvesting — it involves science, business, and more.

Beginning in 1948, the National FFA Board of Directors designated a weeklong celebration of FFA, recognizing George Washington’s legacy as an agriculturist and farmer.

National FFA Week always runs Saturday to Saturday through the week that encompasses February 22, Washington’s birthday. This year, the week-long event kicks off on February 18 and culminates on the 25th.

The Tyrone Area FFA chapter celebrates FFA all year, but during this week, they will focus on teacher appreciation, leadership, and personnel development.

This is done through student-created and driven lesson plans for all Ag Ed students and by promoting the Tractor Supply Company FFA Emblem Campaign by spending a day helping customers at the Duncanville Tractor Supply Company.

What makes FFA unique?

  • It is LIFE-CHANGING – FFA facilitates formative experiences, altering the course of students’ lives for the better.
  • It is SCHOOL-BASED – FFA is inter-curricular: members must be enrolled in an agricultural education class.
  • It promotes CAREER-READINESS – FFA members develop the necessary skills to continue their education in college or to enter the workforce immediately.
  • It has GLOBAL PURPOSE – FFA prepares members to be globally conscious citizens of their community, their state, their country, and the world.
  • It has an AGRICULTURAL FOCUS – FFA provides opportunities to demonstrate literacy, advocacy, and technical skills in agriculture, food, and natural resources.

Tyrone Area FFA would like to thank the community, school district, and their supporters for always helping the members to create their own stories, break through stereotypes, and overcome challenges. Our chapter believes each member has their own path in life and agriculture.