Eagle Eye Promposal Contest: Scoring a Perfect 10.00 for Prom

Olivia and Cory with their gymnastics themed promposal.

Senior power couple Olivia Barr and Cory Lehman both knew they wanted to spend their senior prom together, and since this will be Olivia’s first and last prom, Cory wanted to make her promposal special.

Cory, with the help of his little sister Claire, made a poster with gymnastics references. Cory went to Olivia’s house to hang out and walked out back to where she was and held a poster saying “It’s not my vault you are a 10.00, PROM?” and had candy for her as well. Cory had been dropping hints for a while about the promposal and was Olivia was surprised and happy with the work Cory had put into the poster.

Promposer: Cory Lehman 

Eagle Eye: Describe in detail how you asked them.

CL: “My little sister Claire and I made the poster. That evening I went to hang out with my beautiful girlfriend and asked her as soon as I got there. We then ate mountain pies to finish the night.”

EE: Why did you choose this person to ask?

CL: “Well first because she is my girlfriend, and second because she is just awesome.”

EE: Where did you get the inspiration for the idea?

CL: “I got it from her gymnastics background and I also used my clever mind to come up with it.”

EE: What relationship do you have with this person?

CL: “She is my lovely girlfriend.”

Promposee: Olivia Barr

Eagle Eye: Give your side of the story. Why do you think they asked you?

OB: “I pretty much knew he was going to ask because he had been dropping hints about it for a while now 🙂 and he asked me because we are dating.”

EE: Describe in detail how you were asked and how you felt.

OB: “We were having a fire and when he got there I walked around the house and he had the poster and candy for me! ”

EE: Did you have any suspicions that you were going to be asked by them?

OB: “Yes, he had been dropping hints the past couple weeks.”

EE: Why should you win the contest?

OB: “Because he worked really hard to come up with something clever and he worked hard on the poster, and he deserves something for his hard work 🙂 “