Ammerman Cruises into Retirement

One of Tyrone School District’s longest tenured employees, Accounts Payable/Purchasing Secretary Lyla Ammerman, will retire at the end of the 2018-2019 school year with over 43 years of service to the district.

“[Former Superintendent] Dr. Bill Miller had a term for Lyla…’the old guard,’” said Business Administrator John Clark. “She has across her many years in the district had to keep an eye out for the many nuances of purchasing that can only be gained by years of experience. Layla has always taken the finances of the district personally and looked at the expenses she recorded and processed as her own.”

Graduating from Tyrone High School in 1974, Ammerman has been a Golden Eagle her entire life. Her experience working for the school district began with a work-study program during her senior year under former superintendent Dr. Norman Miller.

“I remember being frightened to work for him fresh out of high school. I was afraid I would make mistakes,”  said Ammerman, “Dr. Miller told me; and I have never forgotten; that there is no such thing as a perfect person.”

Ammerman served in a couple of different positions within the district before landing her current job, including cashier at Lincoln Elementary School and as an assistant in the tax and superintendent’s office. When the previous accounts payable secretary retired, Ammerman was hired to fill that vacancy and has served in her current position for the last 40 years.

“Lyla is a very hard working individual dedicated to completing her responsibilities with accuracy and efficiency.  She was always willing to do whatever she could to assist the staff in any way possible,” said current superintendent Cathy Harlow.

Ammerman will take many fond memories into retirement with her.  One of her favorites was helping Dr. Miller write the two books and being mentioned in the acknowledgments. She has also enjoyed seeing many generations of students grow up and blossom throughout the years.

“I have enjoyed watching children grow from elementary and see them graduate. I have had the great privilege of working with many wonderful people. I will not forget them,” said Ammerman.

She is not the only one to think of her co-workers fondly. Payroll Assistant Lisa Golden has worked closely with Ammerman for 27 years.   

“Lyla is a good friend and we have shared a lot of laughs over the years. I will miss seeing her everyday and wish her a long and happy retirement,” said Golden.

Business Administrator John Clark wishes Ammerman the best in her retirement.

“My wish for Lyla is that all of her life’s adventures reconcile with the desires of her heart. As many people do, she has put many enjoyable parts of life on hold for the past 42 years. Time to live and enjoy. You don’t need to say someday, you can say today,” said Clark.

After retirement, Ammerman is looking forward to spending her time traveling. She would like to take a riverboat cruise up the Mississippi and visit places along the way.  She is also excited to have the ability to visit her family in Pittsburgh and Boston whenever she wants.