1st Marking Period Renaissance Star: Junior Shaye Loose

Every marking period the Renaissance Club chooses two students from each grade level as Renaissance Stars from nominations made by the teachers.

Carly Crofcheck

Shaye Loose

Mrs. Tiffany Hoy chose eleventh grader Shaye Loose for star recognition.

Mrs. Hoy’s quote:

Shaye is a unique leader who inspires students to get involved and challenges students to get out of their comfort zone. As President of the Tyrone Area FFA Chapter, she takes her role seriously and works daily to ensure the chapter is making a positive difference in the lives of agricultural education students. Shaye has a very outgoing personality and is always looking at ways to promote TAHS Agricultural Education in the community. Recently she was crowned Sinking Valley Queen and will compete for the PA Fair Queen title in January. Shaye has made great strides in her few short months as President of the FFA Chapter. She has taken her skills learned in Leadership & Communication I class to improve student participation. She also serves as a role model by getting involved herself. She is currently preparing for the Senior Prepared Public Speaking Career Development Event and has directly worked with new members in signing up for the FFA Creed, Conservation, and Junior Prepared Public Speaking events. Shaye has also demonstrated her leadership ability by handling some difficult team situations. She is very open to listen to both sides and takes all information into account before offering a resolution. She is a confident leader in regards to knowing that if she cannot determine a resolution, she has a private meeting with me to discuss her concerns and most of the time she is able to talk through the situation and use her power of influence to move the team forward.

Eagle Eye: What’s your reaction to being named a Renaissance Star?

Shaye Loose: I was suprised. I never thought I would be named a Renaissance Star.

EE: What is your favoirte class this year?

S: Leadership and Communication.

EE: Who is your all-time favorite teacher and why?

S: Mrs. Hoy, she is a woman that I look up to because she allows every student to be themselves. She lets us fall when we have to so that we can learn and succeed.

EE: What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this school year?

S: To help our FFA Chapter to be the best that it can be. I hope every member can see that they are all leaders in their own way.

EE: What is your favorite thing about the Tyrone Area School District?

S: The great Ag Program and FFA.