Tyrone Welcomes New Guidance Counselor

As juniors and seniors begin to plan for their future after graduation, Tyrone’s new college and career counselor Sara White will be there to assist them.

“Ms. White will be working with students to plan for after high school whether they are planning to go to college or straight into the workforce,” said guidance counselor Tiffany Johannides. “It’s great to have her in our office since she has been specifically trained to counsel students on colleges and careers and has a lot of energy for her work.”

White is excited about joining the guidance department team.

“My goal is to provide a welcoming space for students to come and explore what they want to do after high school,” said White.

White hopes to meet with every senior in the next few weeks individually to discuss the process of applying to schools, the military, or making job applications.

White is originally from the area and grew up just outside of Huntingdon.  She is a very active person and enjoys being outdoors. Her favorite hobbies are canoeing, hiking, and camping. She also loves reading, cooking, and singing. White’s favorite sport is synchronized swimming, and he favorite TV show is Parks and Recreation.

White attended Carleton College in Minnesota and majored in religious studies. Before coming to TAHS, White was a lifeguard and statistics tutor in college and spent her summers working at a summer camp.

Being new to Tyrone, White is also new to all the amazing food choices available in town.

“My other goal is to try out all of the hoagie places in Tyrone,” said White.