Tyrone to Award Over $100K in Local Scholarships
Former Tyrone High School College and Career Councilor Kelsey Broadfield helping Tyrone High School senior Baylee Mertiff complete a scholarship application in February 2023.
Tyrone offers 112 different scholarship opportunities for its senior class, which adds up to over $100,000 in free money for its graduating students. The majority of these are local scholarships that are only for Tyrone Area High School students.
“With this being my first year, I am very impressed to see how large the scholarship program is here at Tyrone,” said Tyrone career counselor Kelsey Broadfield, “This is definitely the most extensive local scholarship list I’ve ever seen.”
So with long “to-do” lists and deadlines slowly approaching, many seniors appreciate the helpful guidance provided by Broadfield and guidance counselor Jessica Koeck.
“My best advice for seniors is to follow the three-step process. This includes reading all scholarships, then making a list of the scholarships you would like to apply for, filling out “Main Application”, and completing and turning in the supplemental information. Also, stay organized and keep on top of deadlines,” said Broadfield.
Broadfield also has a few tips for acquiring quality letters of recommendation and references.
“Ask early for recommendation letters and people to be a reference. I think that it is a really good idea to diversify who your recommenders are. They can be teachers, church members, community leaders, and employers, there are so many options,” said Broadfield.
With Tyrone’s small-town atmosphere, when the opportunity arises to help local students succeed, the community is more than willing to help. Broadfield attributes the support of the Tyrone community for helping the Tyrone senior’s future success.
“I’m amazed by how many people want to give money to students. These donors want to give money directly to Tyrone students and I think that is really incredible. I think it shows a lot about the Tyrone community and how close-knit they are. The community cares a lot about the students and the majority of the donors are really interested and love to do this,” said Broadfield.
Many scholarships are in memorial of a local family’s loved one, making the scholarship process a more personal and rewarding experience.
“We talked to a lot of the donors and many are older in age. I feel like they look forward to this because they get to read through the applications. Many of the scholarships are memorial scholarships so I think it means a lot to people to memorialize their loved ones in this way,” said Broadfield.
Broadfield is hopeful for this year’s senior class and their drive to complete and be rewarded the scholarships.
“I am impressed by how dedicated the seniors are to applying for the scholarships. I feel like all the seniors are very diligent so I’m excited and expecting this to be one of the bigger years for the senior class,” said Broadfield.
For more information on the local scholarship application process, click or paste this link into your browser: https://www.tyrone.k12.pa.us/Page/510

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