Tyrone Students Honored at FFA Mid-Winter Convention

Eleven students received the Keystone Degree and five earn their FFA jackets

Eleven students from the Tyrone Area FFA received their Keystone Degree, the highest attainable degree, at the PA Farm Show on January 10th, 2022.

Only a select few were able to travel to the Pennsylvania State Farm Show Mid-Winter Convention to receive their degree and certificate due to weather and other conflicting issues.

The Keystone Degree recipients are as follows: Emma Bartel, Kaidon Beals, Michael Chronister, Nathan Cisneros, Noah Frantz, Grace Peterson, Dakota Posnett, Ariana Reader, Kiara Rhoads, Jillian Williams, and Randi Williams.

Along with the Keystone Degree recipients, five underclassmen also received their FFA jackets provided by the state Alumni.

The jacket recipients are as follows: Sarah Zimmerman, Nora Hoy, Tristan Conterras, Brienn Jones, and Dylan Ewing.

Junior Rayann Walls received the WLC scholarship which will send her to the Washington Leadership Conference in the summer. The scholarship totals around one thousand dollars and will allow Walls to attend the leadership conference and tour Washington DC with FFA members from across the country.

The farm show offered many learning opportunities. People of all ages were able to learn about PA’s agricultural industry when it came to mushrooms, hardwood, apples, potatoes, and so much more.

Students were able to walk around the complex and view the sheep, cows, goats ready to be presented in one of the arenas in the facility. They were also able to see ducks, chickens, turkeys, ducklings, chicks, and rabbits that were already judged.

Some of the Tyrone Area FFA members were able to see a cow giving birth to twins with the second one coming out backward, which is a rare occurrence. The event had many vendors where with plants, snacks, homemade objects, and drawings for sale.