Tyrone Ski Club Thanks Vermont Fire Company for Their Generosity

As the Tyrone Ski Club was on the way home from their President’s Day weekend ski trip, overheated brakes forced their bus to make an unscheduled stop in rural Vermont. Fortunately they broke down in just the right place.

The driver pulled over, the bus was calmly evacuated and evaluated, then driven to the nearby Underhill Jericho Fire Company in Chittenden County, Vermont.

The volunteer fireman generously opened their fire hall to the students while they waited for another bus to take them from Vermont to New York.

While the gesture was small, it was a heartwarming act to all the students on the trip.

Trip organizer Dan Plummer decided he wanted to do something to thank the fire company for their generosity.

“I would like to thank the Underhill Jericho Fire Department for their hospitality and assistance in our time of need,” said Plummer, “the students and chaperones were calm and collected and worked together through the situation as a group making the whole experience more positive and a part of the trip.”

He bought a card and asked for donations to send to the fire company for being so welcoming and kind in an otherwise stressful situation.

“After the experience, I spoke with my chaperones and several student members of our group. We agreed that a thank you card with a donation to the fire department would be a good idea, in addition to an article expressing our gratitude and experience,” said Plummer.

The card and $200 donation was sent on behalf of the Tyrone Ski Club. They would also like to say a huge thank you to Chief Mathew Champlin and the entire Jericho Fire Company for their generous hospitality.