Tyrone mock trial team ends season with a win
“Not guilty!”
Those words were just what defendant Harper Marmalard (a.k.a. Tyrone senior Jake Makdad) and the rest of the Tyrone Mock Trial team were relieved and excited to hear at the Cambria County Courthouse in Ebensburg on January 28.
The Tyrone Mock Trial team defeated Bishop McCort seven ballots to one in their final competition of the season.
“Preparation created success,” said junior attorney, Adam Zook, “and our success translated to the court room.”
Individual winners for Tyrone were Jake Makdad for best witness and Adam Zook for best attorney.
While Tyrone successfully defeated Bishop McCortt in their second trial, the same cannot be said for their first trial against Winber on January 20th. Tyrone lost a close trial, 3-2 on penalty points because Tyrone went over their allotted time limit.
During this trial best witness and best attorney awards were awarded to Makayla Ritchey and Chloe Makdad.
During the Mock Trial competition, both sides only have thirty minutes to complete both direct and cross examinations. There is a stiff penalty if this time limit is exceeded.
“Although the loss was a surprise and rather disappointing, I was still proud of my team and their performance. In my heart, I knew who the real winners were,” said sophomore attorney Haley Butina. “With another season comes another chance for success. I am very excited for next season and I know that the team will come out on top.”
In the Mock Trial competition the first round consists of two trials. Teams must win both you move on to the next round of competition.
Despite this, Tyrone’s Coach Todd Cammarata was happy with the team’s performance.
“I thought the team did well this year. It is disappointing to lose by time deductions, but I still think this is one of the best teams we have ever had,” said Cammarata.
Tyrone only had two senior participants this year, Jake Makdad and Carrie Vance, so Cammarata is already looking forward to next year’s season.
“While we are losing two great participants in Jake and Carrie, but I am very excited for next season and how our team is going to perform,” added Cammarata.

Hey everyone! My name is Paige and I am a sophomore this year at TAHS. This is my second year in Eagle Eye and I am back because I love to provide...