Tyrone Marching Band Places Second at Chapters Competition
Tyrone band won the second highest score.
Tyrone won second place in the 1-A division and got the second-highest score at the competition with a 89.15 at Johnstown. They were just two points below the highest placing band, Johnstown.
It was also Tyrone’s best overall score of the season, besting their previous season record of 85.83, earned at last week’s competition.
The percussion section was strong this week.
The percussion section keeps the band’s tempo. This section is made up of Shyanne Webster, Trinity Mallon, Abigail Roberts, Evan Snyder, Tyler Vanish, Scott Sesseman, Jacob Greene, Cliff Roberts, Logan Smyth, Austin White, Vincent Gray, and Eric Sims.
The percussion is divided into two parts: the battery, and the pit.
The pit is the smallest section of the band with only three members. Webster, Mallon and Gray make up Tyrone’s pit.
The pit section of the band doesn’t get to march on the field but has the job of keeping the tempo of the band with technical sounds.
“We play the marimba, glockenspiel, bells, piano, cymbal rack, and a bunch of toys,” said percussionist Trinity Mallon.
The percussion section also has the responsibility of packing up the equipment at the end of the performances and practices. This responsibility is generally bestowed upon the them because they have the most equipment. However, most of the drummers leave the clean-up to the pit.
For the pit, “technically [the section leader is] Jake, but he works with the battery, ” said Webster.
The final 2019 band competition will be the Atlantic Coast Championships in Harrisburg on the October 26.
Salutations, my name is Steven and I'm a sophomore Eagle Eye staff member. I hope to give to you fun and interesting articles for this 2019-20 school year....