Tyrone High School Community Service Day Scheduled for March 28

Students can sign up for work crews on the Eagle Eye beginning Monday, 3/19

Tyrone High School will host a morning of Community Service followed by an afternoon of fun on March 28, the day before Easter Break.

The students will begin the day by working on spring cleanup projects at the school and across the community.  After lunch, they will participate in a school community celebration at the annual Spring Fling.

Last year’s community service day was a huge success (see photo slideshow above) so this year the day will be expanded to include all grade levels. Freshman will be asked to sign up for tasks on the TASD campus at both buildings, the track and ball fields. Students in grades 10-12 will go into the community to work on spring clean up and community improvement projects.

All students are invited to participate. Permission slips have already been distributed by homeroom teachers. Students MUST submit a completed and signed form in order to participate.  Any student who did not receive a permission slip should see their homeroom teacher.

Based upon last year’s overwhelmingly positive response, students should return the forms to their homeroom teachers by March 21. Students who do not will spend the morning in silent sustained reading with Ms. Barlett in her room or the library, depending upon the number of students not participating.

Students will sign up for projects on a form that will be posted on the Eagle Eye on Monday, March 19.

Students in grades 11-12 will walk to and from all destinations. Students will be given a vest, gloves and trash bag in the morning.

Students should wear work clothes, comfortable working/walking shoes and bring bottled water. Students should be prepared to get a little wet or dirty. No flip-flops will be permitted.

If it is a sunny day, students should bring hats, sunglasses, sunscreen. Students are reminded that they still must follow the dress code, so even though it may be hot out, appropriate clothing is required.

Students may also bring a change of clothes for the Spring Fling, which will occur after lunch on the same day.

In the event of bad weather, the Community Service event will be canceled. There is no make-up day.  The Spring Fling will still take place as scheduled.

All students will return in time for lunches. A lunch will be at 10:40, B lunch at 11:13, C lunch at 11:46 (lunches will include a free Hershey Ice Cream treat, even for packers, courtesy Nutrition Group)

Students who arrive late to school will spend the morning in SSR with Ms. Barlett. If that student has a permission slip and signed up to work at one of the high sites they may join their work crew.

Students are expected to attend on the day of Community Service and the Spring Fling. Students who choose to not be present for part or all of the day they will be listed as unexcused unless they bring in an excuse from home.


The schedule for Community Service Day is as follows:

1. Students report to their homerooms for attendance.

2. Grade 10-12 teachers and students will report to the cafeteria at 8:10 AM for their assignments and last minute instructions. Teams will be announced and put into place, equipment will be handed out and teams will depart by 8:30.

3. Grade 9 teachers and students will report to the cafeteria at 8:30 AM for their assignments and last minute instructions. Teams will be announced and put into place, equipment will be handed out and students will head out by 8:45.

4. All groups will return from their assignments for their lunch periods, as follows:

  • A Lunch: 10:40 – 11:10 am
  • B Lunch: 11:13 – 11:43am
  • C Lunch: 11:46 – 12:16pm

5. After lunch, students will report to their first Spring Fling activity at 12:16 pm.


Below is a complete list of project that the teachers and students hope to accomplish on Community Service Day:


Reservoir Park                                            

Students: 30                          

Teacher 1:

Paint swing sets, spider, see-saws

Clean up and bag garbage

Teacher 2:

Put limbs and brush into piles

Put leaves in a separate pile

Spread out wood chips

Paint wooden see-saw

Paint picnic tables in Pavilions 2 & 3


Soldiers Park                                                

Students: 20                          

Teacher 1:

Rake leaves & place in a separate pile

Put limbs & brush into one pile

Teacher 2:

Clean up and bag garbage


City Hotel Park                                           

Students: 10                          

Rake and bag leaves

Put limbs & brush into one pile

Clean up and bag garbage


Railroad Park                                          

Students: 20                          

Rake and bag leaves.

Put limbs & brush into one pile.

Clean up and bag garbage.


Park Avenue Playground

Students: 20                          

Paint swing sets at Park Avenue.

Clean up and bag garbage.

Put limbs & brush into a pile.

Rake leaves into a pile.

Spread out wood chips.


Washington Avenue                                     

Students: 45         

Teacher 1:

Sweep walk stone and dirt onto the street.

Teacher 2:

Cleanup and bag litter.


Rain Garden                                         

Students: 10                          

Cleanup and bag garbage.

Rake leaves onto tarps.

Put limbs & brush in pile.


Hockey Rink                                              

Students: 10                          

Cleanup and bag garbage.

Rake leaves onto tarps.


Swimming Pool                                           

Students: 10                         

Cleanup and bag garbage.

Rake leaves onto tarps.

Weed the flower beds.


Municipal Building                                     

Students: 10                          

Cleaning inside and outside of police cars.

Clean up and bag garbage around the building.

Borough will provide cleaning supplies.


Grandview Cemetery                                 

Students: 30                          

Teacher 1:

Clear brush.

Gather and pile limbs.

Teacher 2:

Rake leaves.

Level stones, plant seeds, etc.


Gray Memorial Field                                

Students: 6                            

Rake and collect leaves along home side wall.

Collect and bag litter.


City Streets:                            

(Total Students Needed: 100; Total Teachers Needed: 10)             

Cleanup and bag litter.


Area 1:                                                            

Students: 10

PA Avenue to Railroad Street

Juniata River to Burger King


Area 2:                                                           

Students: 10

PA Avenue to River Side Avenue

Burger King to the Paper Mill


Area 3:                                                           

Students: 10

PA Towers (11th Street) to the Paper Mill

PA Avenue & Logan Avenue


Area 4:

Students: 10

Logan Avenue to Cameron Avenue

10th Street to 14th Street


Area 5:

Students: 10

15th Street to 23rd Street

Lincoln to Columbia


Area 6:

Students: 10                          

15th Street to 23rd Street

Columbia to Adams


Area 7:

Students: 10

15th Street to Oak Street

Adams to Hamilton


Area 8:

Students: 10

15th Street to 20th Street

Hamilton to Madison Avenue


Area 9:

Students: 10

North Avenue to Clay Avenue

15th Street to Engleman Driver


Area 10:

Students: 10

Clay Avenue up Hospital Drive



TASD Campus 


Grade 9:                                        

Students: 10

HS/MS Parking Lots: Rake stones from the grass onto the parking lot


Students: 8

HS: Wash & clean inside and outside of school vehicles by shop doors

HS/MS: Rake and clean up around the exterior



High School/Middle School: Wash first-floor windows.


Students: 8

High School/Middle School: Spread mulch around the exterior.



Middle School: Clear pathways through woods behind the middle school.



Middle School: Rake and cleanup along hospital fence line.



Elementary School: Rake wood chips out of the grass at play stations.


Students: 5

Rake stones from the grass onto parking lot & playground.



Elementary School/High School: Paint the guardrail between the Elementary and High School


Students: 4

High School Track: remove weeds along banks



Soccer Field:  gather trash, and cut and pile brush along hillsides.