Tyrone FFA Members “Fair Well” at the 126th Huntington County Fair
Tyrone Area FFA members showcased their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) livestock projects at the 126th annual Huntington County Fair,. Through these projects, members learned to raise quality animals and develop valuable skills. The week long fair concluded with an auction that provided a marketing venue for their livestock projects which is the culmination of 4-H and FFA members’ current learning experiences.
“I am so proud of all our members who showed, helped design and supported fellow members during the fair,” said Tyrone FFA adviser Tiffany Hoy, “It was an amazing week!”
The following Tyrone FFA members exhibited livestock:
Maddie Veit exhibited her breeding sheep. Veit received Grand Champion Border Leicester Breed, Best Pair for Border Leicester and Flock, and Best in Fitting for Ag Group.
David Conrad showed his dairy beef and received Lightweight Division Grand Champion.
Daniel Peterson showed his market hog, which placed 6th in his class. His hog weighed 231 pounds and sold for $2.00 a pound.

Katrina Hagenbuch placed 11th with her dairy beef, which weighed 598 pounds. Katrina received $1.45 per pound.
Elizabeth Conrad displayed her dairy cattle and dairy beef. She received 1st Place for Youth Fall Dairy Calves.
David Conrad, Elizabeth Conrad, and Katrina Hagenbuch were also recognized as the Dairy Beef Barn Good Housekeeping Winners for Sunday of Fair.
The Agricultural Education programs are comprised of three components: classroom/laboratory, supervised agricultural experience (SAE) and FFA. Each are designed to teach their students valuable character and skills development.
The animal projects teach them the meaning of responsibility, hard work and the basics of running a small business. In addition to regular project meetings and field visits, members have invested hundreds of hours selecting, feeding, cleaning and handling the project animals in order to prepare them for the annual fair.
At the fair, animals were judged by professional livestock evaluators to determine the sale order and give feedback to the exhibitors. This allows members to use what they have learned and apply that knowledge toward next year’s project.
The Huntingdon County Junior Livestock Committee conducted a livestock market sale on August 12.

Hoy would like to thank Crop Production Services, Weis Food Market, Timber Ridge Farm, and Espy Transport LLC for purchasing Tyrone Area FFA members’ market animals.
Other youth showed off their talents in Johnson Hall with projects, poster, and photos.
Katrina Hagenbuch received Reserve Grand Champion for Textile Division with her beef mural.
Daniel Peterson placed 5th in Skid Steer and Safe Tractor Driving. He also entered tractors and equipment in the Antique Farm Hall.
Jaylon Beck worked with members to design and construct the large display for Owens Hall. “Though it did not place, it showed the ‘Good Things We are Growing’ at Tyrone Area High School,” said Hoy.
For more pictures visit: http://www.huntingdoncountyfair.com/

As a second year Eagle Eye staff member and first year News Editor, junior Jaylon Beck seeks to expand Tyrone’s knowledge of their own FFA chapter....