Tyrone English Teacher Celebrates 15 Years of Passion and Enthusiasm

Throughout her fifteen years at Tyrone High School, English teacher Leah Deskevich has made friends with just about everyone who passes through her door, colleagues and students alike.  She is well known by all of her former students for her enthusiasm and passion for learning and is rarely seen without a smile on her face. 

“Mrs. Deskevich is always happy and cheerful, and she makes her class so much fun to be in,” said freshman Sarah Hoover.

Mrs. Deskevich
Emma Hoover
Mrs. Deskevich and her fifth-period class

Deskevich decided she wanted to be a teacher because teaching simply allows her to do what she loves for a living.

“I wanted to be able to act and dramatize.  I love people, I love reading, and I love writing.  I wanted to mix politics and literature, and the best way I could do that, and have a job, was in a classroom,” Deskevich explained.

Over the years, she has worked hard to create lessons that both she and her students enjoy by using student feedback to sort out what works and what doesn’t.  

“I like everything I do because I have taken away the lessons that the students and I don’t enjoy. We are in a good place,” said Deskevich.

By state and local policies, Deskevich is required to cover certain material within her lessons, but one of her greatest talents as a teacher is that she always teaches it in a way that the students respond to and enjoy.  While Deskevich does not have a single favorite lesson or topic, she does have a few units that she really enjoys.

Deskevich likes the memoir unit because it is a way for students to create a special heirloom.  Their memoirs are something that they can always carry with them in their hearts.  Deskevich also favors the “Thank You Letter” unit because she enjoys the stories students share about making their friends and loved ones cry. The news writing unit also stands out to Deskevich because it teaches her students valuable skills. “I really like [it] because it is important for students to know how to write unbiased, informational text,” said Deskevich.

“I like working in Mrs. Deskevich’s class because she is always coming up with creative projects, and they’re open for us to write what we chose,” said freshman Becca White.

In addition to writing units, Deskevich enjoys her literature units as well.  Throughout the year, her students read and analyze a variety of novels including Animal Farm by George Orwell, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, and Night by Elie Wiesel.    

Deskevich also tries to make sure her students are well rounded. As the speech team coach, she also likes to incorporate speaking opportunities in her class with her “Dig This Book or Dig its Grave” unit. In this unit, students have the opportunity to read a book of their choice and present to the class whether they recommend it or not.

“I appreciate Mrs. Deskevich having me on the speech team because it has helped me build relationships with a lot of upperclassmen, and given me some good friends,” said freshman Anna-Lynn Fryer.

Among some of her favorite things about being a teacher is when a student comes and tells her he or she found a book they really like. 

Deskevich is also well appreciated by her fellow teachers and the staff.  

“[Deskevich] has so much heart in and out of school.  Be it teaching, facilitating teacher reading group, advising speech team, organizing an awards ceremony or being a great friend, she gives everything she does her all. Our school is a better place with her in it.  She is always willing to help out in any way she can.  She’s encouraging and supportive of the student body and her co-workers alike,” said paraprofessional Gabrielle McLarren.